Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To market, to market...

Lots has been going on in Thaw HQ lately, so haven't been doing a good job of keeping the blog updated, sorry.

We have had the place painted, fences ripped down, and rebuilt in much prettier fashion.  We have been on a little holiday down the beach, and now I'm preparing to meet with our new marketing gal, Conchi.  I am very excited about sitting down with her and talking about the future of Thaw.  She is joining the Thaw team to focus on all of our advertising sales, and getting our little mag into lots more stockists.  The more magazines we have in shops around Victoria, the more people will pick up a copy and read it - at least that's the plan.  She is excited to be coming on board too, so can't wait to sit down with her this weekend.  Might have to enjoy a couple of wines with her too.  It can't be all business ;-)

I met with the talented Matt Turner last week. He is also joining the Thaw team, to do the layout and design for us.  Can't wait to see how our next issue looks.  He has done lots of bits and pieces for us over the past six months, but has now committed to do much more, so it's exciting to have him on board too.

If you think you know of some shops or cafe's in your neck of the woods that you think would be a great place to stock Thaw, please drop me a line.

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